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Contest Introduction

foldPurpose of the contest

In response to China’s call for people to do business creatively and encouraging innovation and centering on the new requirements of Shanghai’s moving toward the scientifically and technologically innovative center with global influence, the contest aims to enhance young people’s capabilities in innovation and startup and give support to those teams and projects that accord with Shanghai’s development orientation by building platforms, integrating resources and creating a favorable social atmosphere for young people’s innovation and startup.

Theme of the contest

Innovation And Entrepreneurship, We Are In Action

openOrganizational Structure

Guided by: Shanghai Coordination Office for Talented Personnel

Sponsored by: Shanghai’s Communist Youth League, Shanghai Internet Information Office, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Education, Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Shanghai Municipal Agriculture Commission, Shanghai Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Shanghai Youth Federation and Shanghai Lingang Economic Development (Group) Co. Ltd.

Undertaken by Shanghai Youth Startup and Employment Foundation, Shanghai Youth Startup and Employment Promotion Association, Shanghai Young Entrepreneurs’ Association, Shanghai Informatization Youth Talent Association, Shanghai Creative Youth Talents Association, Shanghai Youth START-UPs Association, Shanghai Youth Startup Institute.

Assisted by: Youth Leagues in districts, government departments and universities, Shanghai Innovation and Startup Investment Center, Shanghai Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Service Center, Shanghai International Technology Import & Export Promotion Center, Shanghai Technology Innovation Center, Shanghai SAT Investment Co. Ltd., Media Co. Ltd, Youth League of INESA Electronics (Group) Co., Ltd. and Citylinker.

Supported by: “Dream Workshop” youth centers, media, investment institutions, industry associations and Shanghai Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service Alliance for Overseas Chinese.

openCompetition unit

The Shanghai competition adopts the competition system of “comprehensive competition+ unit competition + special competition”. According to the projects and the registration time of the enterprises, the participating groups are classified as follows:

1. Comprehensive competition

(1) Startup group: In accordance with the registration time of the enterprise, there are startup group and growth group. If the enterprise was registered within 2 years (inclusive), it falls into the startup group. If the enterprise was registered 2-5 years ago (inclusive), it belongs to the growth group. At the same time, this comprehensive competition is open to overseas participants, attracting outstanding global project resources.

(2) Innovation Group: Technological innovation is mainly based on the development of a new product, the creation of a new technique, the promotion of new technology and the transformation of a new achievement.

2. Unit Competition

Centering on the construction of the four major brands in Shanghai, the unit competitions are held according to the features of various business lines and market hot spots.

(1) Serving the economy and people's well-being, including modern service industry, productive service industry and living service industry.

(2) Smart Manufacturing, including intelligent manufacturing technology, intelligent manufacturing systems, and VR/AR technology.

(3) Consumption upgrade and new retail, including cloud platforms for consumption, sales entities, manufacturers, and new logistics.

(4) Cultural creativity, including cultural creativity, gaming animation, new media, education, sports, tourism, etc.

3. Special Competition for AI Park

Based on the massive industries, parks, businesses, and personnel of the AI Park smart city feature platform in Lingang, participating teams are required to use IoT, big data, cloud computing, block chain, and artificial intelligence to offer data innovation, technological innovation, application innovation and product innovation for topics concerned by governments, enterprises and individuals.

The innovative applications of participating teams can be deployed in smart cities, smart government affairs, smart parks, smart communities, smart transportation, smart planning, smart campuses, smart energy, etc. to provide a brand-new concept and technological support for smart cities that are suitable for living, doing business and developing industries.


1. Contestants’ Qualifications

(1) A contestant can be an individual or a group.

(2) If a contestant is an individual, he/she must have been born after 30th June, 1983.

(3) If a contestant is a group, it can consist of maximum 5 persons. The group leader must be under the age of 35 while other group members’ age must be under 40 (born after 30th June, 1978) with an average group age under 35 years.

(4) For those individuals and projects that have won awards of previous Innovation and Startup Contest or have become candidates for Shanghai Youth Startup Talents Program, they shall not participate.

2. Qualifications’ for Projects

(1) A project must not violate China’s laws and rules as well as China’s industry policies.

(2) A project must not infringe upon others’ intellectual property rights.

(3) A project must enjoy good economic and social effectiveness and good social reputation.

(4) A project must have its unique product, technology or business mode with relatively large investment value.

(5) Product prototypes or service models have been developed with advanced core techniques and mature business models.

3. Registration Rules

(1) A participating company must have been registered after 30th June (inclusive) 2013.

(2) A contestant shall submit related business license, tax registration certificate, permit for opening a bank account, certificate of its specialized product, startup scheme, project growth process or production process introduction as well as project development concepts in various development stages.

(3) The first applicant for the startup enterprise shall be its legal representative with no less than 30% (inclusive) of its shares.

(4) Each contestant can apply for only one competition.

openContest Schedule
Contest Schedule
openAwards and service

1. follow-up service

(1) relying on support from Shanghai Youth START-UPs Association, Shanghai Youth Startup and Employment Foundation, Shanghai Youth Startup and Employment Promotion Association and Shanghai Technology Entrepreneurship Foundation for Graduates, winning contestants’ needs for innovation and startup talents, venues and funds will be taken into consideration.

(2) Through “Dream Workshop” youth centers in Shanghai, innovation and startup resources in the youth leagues at all levels in Shanghai will be available to winning contestants, offering them comprehensive service.

(3) WeChat Platforms of Jiefang Daily, Youth Daily (Dream Weekly), Shanghai Observation, Youth Shanghai, Shanghai Youth Federation and Dreamventure will offer winners online and offline publicity channels including new media and traditional media.

(4) Comprehensive service including employees’ accommodation, recruitment, office venues and equipment, legal, financial and tax consultation, software application as well as contact with specialized investment institutions will be provided for excellent startup projects.

2. recommendations of winners for other activities

(1) China Youth Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition. The top 10 units in each competition will have the priority to enter China Youth Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition.

(2) Shanghai Youth Entrepreneurship Talent Selection Training Course. The top 10 units in each competition will have the priority to attend Shanghai Youth Entrepreneurship Talent Selection Training Course.

(3) International Innovation and Startup Fair. The top 30 units in each compitition will have the priority to be recommended for International Innovation and Startup Fair.

(4) Startup shows. Excellent projects and individuals will be recommednded for “STARTUP HEROES” in CCTV-2, “YOU ARE THE MIRACLE” in Hubei TV, “SPEEDUP FOR YOUR DREAM” and “CHINESE PARTNERS” in Shenzhen TV, etc.

(5) Dream Forum. Excellent startup contestants will be invited as speakers or forum guest for the serial lectures of Dream Forum.

openEvaluation Committee
  • 杨国平

  • 周桐宇

  • 倪建达

  • 其实

  • 杨桂生

  • 葛培健

  • 娄永琪

  • 孔华威

  • 瞿建国

  • 郎永淳

  • 吴晓波

  • 马红漫

  • 乐嘉

  • 黄舒骏

  • 章苏阳

  • 邝子平

  • 许智伟

  • 叶茂中

  • 袁岳

openService Matrix
To be updated. You are welcome to join us.
Tel: 021-61690111

Youth Center

临港新业坊 张江企业孵化器 浦东软件园 上海漕河泾新兴技术开发区科技创业中心 紫竹创业孵化器 太库上海 乐波空间 启迪之星 新华文化科技园 零号湾 绿亮科技园 云部落 中成智谷 谈家28-文化信息商务港 育成中心 云赛空间 枫泾科创小镇 同济创业谷 松江电子商务园区 鼎创汇 起点•新新站 尚之坊•创意园 光明科技园 链合加创造者联合办公空间 崇明工业园区

Startup Training

上海青年创业学院 上海人大人科技创新服务有限公司 复旦大学创新创业学院 上海交通大学创业学院 华东理工大学商学院

Enterprise Service

复星 万慧达北翔 国家安全生产监督管理总局 国家技术转移东部服务中心 上海外服人力资源咨询有限公司 中智上海经济技术合作公司 猎上网 智联招聘 全职招聘 趣就业 赢了网 点击律 一度天使

Office Service

永达汽车 V领地 you+ 途家 闪租网 e享天开 上海美日汽车租赁服务有限公司 悦管家 公装无忧 上海维迈金建设工程有限公司

Financial Service

浦发银行 上海银行 上海农商银行 上海华瑞银行 太平洋保险 中证报价 嘉银金融 铂略

IT Service

众人科技 上海纽盾科技有限公司 建朗科技 牵翼 创业伞 技术云

Social Organizations

上海市青年企业家协会 上海市信息化青年人才协会 上海市青年创意人才协会 上海市农业青年人才协会 上海市青年创业协会

Support from Media

新华社 中国青年报 解放日报 文汇报 新民晚报 新闻晨报 青年报 人民网 新华网 东方网 stv 看看新闻 上海发布 上海观察 青春上海 梦创上海 第1财经 第一财经日报 第一财经周刊 大申网 搜狐 网易 创业邦 陆家嘴金融网
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